


2024 年 4 月



2010 年 Europe 台中演唱會


1998, 1990 兩度來台的 Europe 合唱團
當時風靡全台 20 幾萬人

20 年後的今天, 記得他們的人似乎已經不多
4月4日在台中的演唱會, 惠蓀堂的位置連一半都沒坐滿

燈光暗了之後, 開唱時所有一樓的觀眾幾乎全部往前擠
舞台正前方的走道瞬間變成 “搖滾區”
二樓的觀眾或許不方便往下衝, 就在樓上一起搖滾

就這樣中空的演唱會, 一直到結束

說真的, 很多歌都忘記了
家裡當年的 Tape 應該還在,
至於 CD, 應該僅有的是那張白色封面1982-1992的精選輯

一直到 Carrie 那首歌唱出之後

原來這被擺成 “安可曲” 了
當前奏響起時, 頓時全場陷入瘋狂

余光在演唱會開頭時有要大家記得要跟 Europe 要這首 Open Your Heart
只是我們還沒有開口要, Joey 就拿起吉它自己彈唱起來了

Open Your Heart
作詞/曲:Joey Tempest

Days filled with joy, and days filled with sorrow
I don’t know just what to do
Am I happy today, am I lonely tomorrow
Everything depends on you
I’ve been waiting
For the angels to knock on my door
I’ve been hoping
That everything could be like before

Open your heart and tell me what’s wrong
Why can’t you talk like you used to do before
I don’t know if I’m weak
I don’t know if I’m strong
Hey girl, I can’t cope anymore
I’ve been waiting …
For the angels to knock on my door
I’ve been hoping
That everything could be like before

Open your heart, let me hear you
Make up your mind , I want to hear you call
Open your heart, want to come near you
Make up your mind, oh girl before I fall
Open your heart, let me hear you
Make up your mind , I want to hear you call
Open your heart, want to come near you
Make up your mind, oh girl before I fall

Maybe the sun will continue to shine
Maybe the rain will continue to fall
Maybe you want to leave me behind
Maybe you’ll change and give me a call

I’ve been waiting
For the angels to knock on my door
I’ve been hoping
That everything could be like before,Oh Yea…

Open your heart, let me hear you
Make up your mind , I want to hear you call
Open your heart, want to come near you
Make up your mind

Open your heart, let me hear you
Make up your mind , I want to hear you call
Open your heart, want to come near you
Make up your mind, oh girl before I fall

Open your heart, let me hear you
Make up your mind , I want to hear you call
Open your heart, want to come near you
Make up your mind, oh girl before I fall..

1 comment to 2010 年 Europe 台中演唱會

  • Lingwei

    有喚起我的記憶, 他們是我人生的第一場演唱會,告訴我他們現在表演得怎麼樣?

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